2022 was a bit of a whirlwind in the marketing world. There were many new obstacles to navigate and some global marketing trends that really changed the game for everyone.

Now, we’re entering the new year. Every marketing team is dreaming up new goals and planning their marketing strategies for 2023.

As a small business, you don’t necessarily have to set NYE resolutions for your marketing campaigns – but it never hurts to think about some of your top priorities for the future. To spark your brainstorming sessions, here are four of the top marketing to-dos we think everyone should carry into 2023.

1. Focus on Producing High-Quality Social Content

Throughout this past year, we’ve seen TikTok and other social media platforms continue to take the world by storm. Things have continued to grow exponentially in the social media world, especially when it came to short-form videos and Instagram reels.

Many of us learned that a successful social media marketing campaign was not just about creating lots of content but about creating high-quality and engaging content. Every business has a brand, and it’s crucial that you present your company as both professional and relatable.

Successful social content has to look professional, and it should offer a strong taste of your brand’s personality. If your social media videos look grainy and like they were shot by an amateur on an old iPhone, you simply won’t see the digital marketing results you want.

Over 60% of TikTok users believe that platform-specific content is the best way to engage with customers. They don’t want to see an old Instagram post repurposed as a shoddy TikTok video – they want to see impressive new content, designed specifically for the platform they are using.

The bottom line is that you can’t cut corners when it comes to your social media marketing. In 2023, prioritize creating content that strikes viewers as professional, unique, and meaningful.

2. Experiment More With Video

Speaking of producing high-quality video content, don’t be afraid to get a little more creative and try new things next year. Today, over 81% of businesses use some form of video marketing, and we expect that number to continue to grow in 2023.

In 2022 we saw more businesses turn to live video, and we predict this trend will continue. Live video marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for Gen Z consumers. Furthermore, it’s a low-cost and time-efficient way to reach a large audience.

Companies are using live videos to announce new products, advertise special offers, and give expert advice. Live videos are also successful in building trust among customers – they provide a sense of transparency and authenticity on social media channels.

Live video has a way of grabbing the attention of users and connecting them to your brand’s personality more than a traditional ad would. The raw, unrehearsed nature of these videos breaks down walls with viewers.

Beyond live streaming, video content can be used in various ways. If you’re trying to spice things up in 2023, consider…

  • Posting clips from pre-recorded interviews
  • Sharing behind-the-scenes footage
  • Making day-in-the-life videos
  • Covering live in-person events
  • Hosting guests or partners on live or pre-recorded videos

When viewers become followers who are interested in what you show them, that’s when there’s true, quality engagement.

3. Forge More Influencer Partnerships

If you haven’t tapped into the potential of working with influencers, 2023 might be your year to start.

Brand ambassadors are one of the most important social media content marketing strategies for a company, especially today. They help companies increase their brand awareness, goodwill, and overall image by establishing relationships with potential customers.

A 2022 study indicated that 61% of consumers reward influencers with their trust when it comes to purchase suggestions, whereas about 30% give that same trust to branded ads that are often viewed as biased.

The influencer industry is worth billions, and it’s only going to continue growing. However, it’s not always easy to find an influencer with the right audience for your brand. There are many factors that go into the hunt, such as evaluating the influencer’s…

  • Demographic
  • Number of followers
  • Engagement rate
  • Preferred social platform

The most important thing is to ensure that the influencers you work with are a good fit for your end goals. You want your brand and their social presence to align for a synergistic partnership.

One of the biggest global marketing trends we’ve seen lately is brands working with micro-influencers as a way of building their reputation and reaching their target audience. The value of micro-influencers is far greater than most marketers realize, even if these influencers have smaller followings.

In many cases, micro-influencers serve as the perfect bridge between brands and their audiences. Strategic marketing campaigns through micro-influencers have led to some key changes in advertising strategy for many businesses.

4. Publicly Highlight Your Social Responsibilities

As we enter 2023, customers care more about their favorite brands’ stances and actions than ever before. A whopping 87% of consumers will buy a product from a brand simply because they support a cause that’s relevant to them.

Publicly highlighting your brand’s social responsibilities will help attract more consumers and give your company a better reputation. However, marketers need to be aware that taking some strong public stances will put them at risk of alienating certain audiences and demographics.

Choose your social stances carefully and intentionally, and know exactly how your choices will be perceived by your target audience.

How is your brand currently sharing its social responsibilities and goals, and how can it make these things more apparent next year? Do you need to take a more public stance, or should you start by learning which causes matter the most to your audience?

The Wrap Up

One of the biggest global marketing trends for 2023 will be the use of targeted social media and video content. However, your new-year marketing goals shouldn’t only be built around that.

Companies need to focus on how they can use social media as an engagement strategy – not just a way to make sales. They need to focus on producing high-quality content that attracts the right audience and not just any audience.

Struggling to keep up with global marketing trends? That’s what we’re here to help with.

At Inbound.Studio, we specialize in branding strategies that truly spark growth and productive engagement. Whether it’s redesigning a logo or updating strategies for the new year, we’ve got every critical marketing task covered.

To learn more about Inbound.Studio and our services, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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